Dzogchen for Smarties

by L. Ron Gardner on January 27, 2014

Tibetan Dzogchen, over the past twenty-five years or so, has become a popular spiritual practice for Western Buddhists. Numerous Tibetan gurus who teach it have migrated to the West, and numerous translations/commentaries of canonical Dzogchen texts have been published. I have participated in a number of Dzogchen groups and have read at least a couple […]


University Professors, A Sorry Lot

by L. Ron Gardner on October 1, 2013

After I wrote my recent book Electrical Christianity, published in July, 2013, I figured I could market it most effectively by letting Christian professors sample it. I figured that emailing a sample PDF (5 of the book’s 15 chapters) to a couple thousand Doctors of Divinity at top universities and professors of electrical engineering at […]



June 7, 2013

Welcome to Electrical Spirituality, the website of spiritual teacher/mystic-philosopher L. Ron Gardner. I named my website Electrical Spirituality because the spiritual Dharma I teach and write about is electrical in every way—radical and demystifying and correlated with Ohm’s Law. And because I’m an electrical guy (Sun conjunct Uranus in my natal chart), when I turn my attention to subjects other than spirituality–politics, culture, and health, et al.–my radical (gone-to-the-root) and sometimes revolutionary viewpoints can best be described as electrical. To learn more about me and this website, click on “About” on the menu bar.

Directly below this Welcome piece are my Current Posts. At the top of the right column are my books, which you can learn about and read samples writings from by clicking on “Books” on the menu bar. Below my books are my Recent Posts (which, when no longer “recent,” can be accessed in “Archives”). Below Recent Posts is a video of me, and for more of me talking up a storm, click “Videos” on the menu bar.

This website is still under construction, so please be patient until it fully matches the above-described “map.” Feel free to comment on anything on this site, but please keep your comments civil and to the point. Enjoy…

Veganism and the “Body Electric”

August 11, 2013

Because I’m a spiritual teacher, I often get asked questions about diet relative spiritual life—and the question I’m most often asked is: “Do you recommend a vegetarian diet?” And my answer is: “No.”   I don’t recommend a vegetarian diet (meaning one devoid of flesh foods and eggs) for one reason: it is too alkaline. […]

From Electrical Christianity to Electrical Buddhism

July 25, 2013

Finally, Electrical Christianity has hit the marketplace, and I am excited to see how it does. Frankly, I’m very optimistic about its long-term sales performance. I’ve read, or at least perused, almost all major works on Christian mysticism, and in my unvarnished opinion, it’s the best practical, non-academic book ever written on the subject. Thanks […]

Become a Human Divining Rod

July 13, 2013

Dowsing for Holy Water   At any time, a yogi can focus his attention on the abstract whole, the totality of existence outside himself. This is particularly useful in everyday life. And to help you connect to and commune with the abstract whole, to life in general, you can freely use the same “key technical […]

Evolutionary Enlightenment? I Don’t Think So

July 11, 2013

Spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen’s latest book, Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening, has received rave reviews from numerous New Age luminaries, including  Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Howard Bloom, Michael Murphy, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. But as you’ll see from my review, which follows, I hardly think it deserves kudos.   Anyone with a deep and profound understanding […]