Inner Christianity (Richard Smoley)

Recommended Guide to the Esoteric Christian Tradition

[My 4-star Amazon review (NDA) of “Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition” by Richard Smoley.]

Inner Christianity is a quasi-academic text that provides a nuanced historical and analytical consideration of the “Esoteric Tradition” as it pertains to Christianity. Author Richard Smoley is a fine writer, and his crisp and clean prose makes for smooth and easy reading. I would describe this book as especially educational but not particularly inspirational. Those with an intellectual and/or gnostic orientation will likely find it rewarding, while those of a devotional bent will likely find it “too head oriented” and not germane to their spiritual life.

Even though I have read dozens upon dozens of books on or pertaining to Christian mysticism over the past four decades, I still gleaned nuggets from this text and highly recommend it for those looking to attain or augment intellectual knowledge of the “Esoteric Tradition” and  gnostic-mystical Christianity.