Beyond the Power of Now: A Guide to, and Beyond, Eckhart’s Tolle’s Teachings

Beyond the Power of Now: A Guide to, and Beyond, Eckhart’s Tolle’s Teachings, published in December 2012, effectively exposes the flaws in, and limitations of, the teachings of superstar pop guru Eckhart Tolle. In addition to deconstructing Tolle’s Dharma, the book lucidly presents the highest Dharma—Divine Communion in Hinduism, Dzogchen in Buddhism, and the Eucharist in Christianity—which enables mystic practitioners to directly connect to and receive en-Light-ening Grace (Shakti in Hinduism, the Sambhogakaya in Buddhism, and the Holy Spirit in Christianity), the true Power of Now.

Beyond the Power of Now points out, from different angles, the folly of Tolle’s New Age, “new earth” chimera and describes the social system that represents mankind’s sociopolitical solution. It also rebuts Tolle’s arguments that: 1) emotions can be trusted more than thought; 2) time is a mind-created illusion; 3) psychological time is insanity; 4) the present moment is the Now;  5) the “inner” body is the direct link to the Now; 6) your cells stop aging when you live in the Now; 7) women are spiritually more evolved than men; and 8) and animals such as ducks and cats are Zen masters.

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Michael August 11, 2014 at 11:34 pm

Is it the ‘god essence’ that attacks Eckhart Tolle and his work or is it the ego of L. RON gardener?

What Eckhart is doing is pointing the way to the fullness of life that is everyone’s natural state but somewhere in this ‘civilized’ world we inhabit we became lost and confused.

Making a living by picking faults of another is just a poor example of a human soul.


L. Ron Gardner August 12, 2014 at 12:44 am

Michael, I think I provide a real service by pointing out the flaws and limitations of Eckhart Tolle’s teachings. Plenty of people have let me know that they very much appreciate my critique of Tolle’s teachings If you think I’ve erred in any of my criticisms of Tolle’s teachings, you are free to point out specifically where you think I’ve erred — and I’ll be glad to respond to your post.


steve rosen October 1, 2016 at 1:25 pm

Dear L. Ron Gardner;

I really appreciate your website and there are some similarities between you and I ….leftist sociologist, interested in mysticism….. I appreciated your critique of Andrew Cohen. Of course it’s a bit like shooting fish in a barrel with him…. he is so obviously vacuous…. but I guess not so obvious to lots of people who have been taken in by him. Jeff Carreira and Craig Hamilton seem to be his clones now and they both very articulate and as far as I can tell say absolutely nothing new or profound…..though they seem to believe they are innovators….on the cutting edge of evolutionary enlightenment (like the Indigo people I guess),

I haven’t read your detailed critique of Echkart Tolle, but I must confess a soft spot in my heart for him. He does have a Zen like way of articulating profound concepts……though I suppose the pain body is a metaphorical concept and not to be taken literally. There are some things to nitpick with him, but overall there is something inspiring that shines through (unlike Cohen who makes one want to barf ever time he opens his trap).

I wonder what you may think of the spiritual teacher Adhyashanti. He seems to be another one who sits on a dais, acts as if he speaks profound truths, but seems vapid with little wisdom other than what he read in other books…. and from what I have seen of his book on Jesus, it’s more about him than Jesus….who cares…..

…still I am left with the puzzling fact that some of his students….a good many….have been brought to realisation….. Ann Lothian for one.

Still the phony Hindu name and his wife too “Mukti” irritate me no end….though I suppose they are more realised than most (and fairly harmless, compared to people like Andrew Cohen).

Anyway, thanks for your writing and if you have any thoughts on Andhya, I’d like to hear them..
Steven L. Rosen
Assoc. Prof.
Dept. of Intercultural Studies
Pref. University of Hiroshima


L. Ron Gardner October 2, 2016 at 3:59 am

Steve, you’re welcome. I’m glad you appreciate my writings. From your other comment I received, it is clear that you found my critique of Adyashanti and reviews of some of his books. I don’t believe that any of his students have been brought to true Self-realization, or Enlightenment.

I was a leftist for a few years while in college, but over time I became a libertarian who wants the government off my back and out of my life, except for protecting my constitutionally guaranteed individual rights.


Stephen October 18, 2016 at 8:36 pm

Cats have a calming effect on most people. They appear to live in the moment, are very aware of what is going on around them …. and they purr. I believe that Tolle was using some humor as well. If enlightenment can come from chanting, or watching every breath you take, why not from petting a cat? I too do not get the time is an illusion of the mind but it is a common idea among Eastern religions and something even Einstein talked about. So I would say the jury is still out on that one. Now to thoughts vs emotions, I think this is the situation he was talking about. Tolle regards an emotion as a thought expressed through the body below or perhaps above conscious thought. One may call it intuition or instinct. Are you saying that we should disregard such things? If Tolle said our cells stop aging when we are in the now that would be something wrong in my opinion. As to who is more spiritual men or women I suggest you look at the history of all the major religions which declared that women were hardly spiritual at all and were denied any rank in position or status. If you can offer proof that men are superior or there is no difference then please share it with the world. As i recall Tolle has stated many times that the now is much deeper than the things happening at the present moment. I never bought any of his books but remember that from talks he gave. If you could direct me to the statement you had in mind I would appreciate it.


Joseph July 14, 2022 at 8:48 am

I don’t know whether to be terrified or ecstatic for finding this discussion board here. I am constantly in awe at how little we know, yet I question, whether questioning such, will drive you Madd. When I first read the power of now, it seemed to have really opened my mind, I felt free of the common constraints of our time. Addiction being one. I relapsed some years later. It’s almost as if questioning all of existence, ends up becoming in an of itself, burdensome. My experience is, delving into such material can be a total mind fuck, and only creates the very issues it seemingly provides reprieve from. Any insight would be appreciated.


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