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    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    Richard Del Re January 11, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    Are you writing a book on meditation, and if you are when is the publishing date….?


    L. Ron Gardner January 12, 2018 at 5:46 pm

    I’ve finished my book “The Power of Now Meditation Guide,” but I haven’t gotten around to self-publishing it because I’ve been dealing with a bird mite problem. It will get published this year.


    Valeria Koopman June 28, 2019 at 3:02 am

    Podcast Interview and Collaboration

    Hello Ron!

    I’d love to connect and collaborate with you (somehow!)

    My work outlines practical and creative ideas inspired by love in the quest for wellbeing.

    In Fit for Joy, I wrote about the paradox of two realities that don’t match: physical health and mental chaos. The idea was to start a conversation about the “true” meaning of health.

    As a podcast host, I am in search of meaningful truths, ideas, and insights about mental and spiritual health that can awaken new ways of thinking, leading us toward a new way of being — Being Well.”

    Would you be interested in any or a combination of:

    – A podcast interview: A Quest for Well-Being
    – Guest blogging
    – Book review

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Much Love!


    I am a well-being coach, writer and the author of the Fit for Joy book. Daily routine: meditate, eat healthily, exercise, and show gratitude!


    L. Ron Gardner June 29, 2019 at 6:16 am

    Valeria, I’ll contact you in July or August. Right now, I’m busy moving into a regular home (I lived in motels the previous two years) and involved in a non-spiritual money-making project.


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