From Nonfiction to Fiction: My Transition

by L. Ron Gardner

 Although I enjoyed writing Beyond the Power of Now, The Book Eckhart Tolle Does Not Want You to Read, and Electrical Christianity, it’s a nice change to be able to focus my creative energy on my novel, tentatively titled Super Jesus.  I’m hardly a Stephen King fan—I don’t read his novels (or anyone else’s for that matter)--and his Big Government politics are about 180 degrees from my Objectivist/libertarian thinking; but I have found his insights on the creative process to be spot on. In his book On Writing, King says that novels pretty much write themselves—and that, much to my surprise, has been my experience. It’s almost as if I’m channeling my book, and when I examine the results so far (about 60,000 words), I see only a vague resemblance to the original concepts I had for the project; but I love the results. Although I don’t care for most other writers’ fiction, I’m enamored with my own because it’s totally, yet intelligently and humorously, over the edge, with zero regard for political correctness or establishment taboos.
Stephen King thinks it’s essential for a fiction writer to spend hours every day reading other fiction writers. Well, I don’t read fiction, and because I’ve read all the nonfiction books on my “need- to-read list,” I hardly read nonfiction anymore, either. I don’t own a boob tube to distract me, so that means I now spend most of my time either writing, cogitating, or meditating.

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