Combining the Kashmir Shaivism tattva system with the classical Sefirotic/astrologic Tree of Life clearly serves to upgrade the Tree as a theosophical chart. That said, I’m sure many traditionalists will recoil in response to my “creative” redrawing of the Kabbalistic Tree.
I’m also sure that many into Hindu Vedic astrology will not be happy with my rejection of the sidereal (mutable constellation-based) zodiac they embrace, and my allegiance to the tropical (immutable solar-system-based) zodiac, which most Western astrologers endorse. Here [below] for those who will be reading our exchange, is a brief comparison of the two zodiacs (excerpted from the article “Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs” at
Both sidereal and tropical zodiac systems typically use the same 12 astrological signs, with the Sun taking 30 to 31 days to transit each sign. The key difference between the two is their starting points. Astrological years begin with zero degrees Aries, but tropical astrology always places this point at the spring equinox. Sidereal systems place zero degrees Aries at the [subjective] point where the Sun actually starts transiting through the constellation of Aries. That’s why sidereal Aries currently starts [circa] April 15 instead of March 21.
Why is there such a huge difference in starting dates? It’s because sidereal systems account for equinox precession. As seen from Earth, the constellations’ positions in our night skies drift westward [about 1 degree each 72 years]. This drift results from the movement of Earth’s rotational axis, which also gives us our north and south geographic poles. Solar and lunar gravitational forces pull on our planet, causing the poles’ locations to shift in relation to the stars’ positions. But from Earth, it looks like the stars themselves are moving.
Because the Kabbalistic Tree of Life has nothing to do with the subjective, immutable Earth-stars relationship, and everything to do with the objective, immutable Earth-Sun-Planet relationships, it is clearly compatible with the tropical zodiac, but not with the sidereal. And to emphasize the relationship between the Sun and the planets and the Earth, I have, in my diagram, placed a zodiac “belt” around the Earth/Malkhut. This signifies that humans on planet Earth receive planetary (including solar and lunar) energies/influences that are modified/ “filtered” through the twelve zodiac signs.
An individual’s “soul-matrix” (the composite of psychical seed tendencies that “sprouts” as his mind and emotions) reflects the planetary “gestalt” (as “filtered” through the twelve zodiac signs) at the moment he was born. And a natal astrology chart, a diagram of this “filtered” planetary gestalt, provides a map of his psychical (karmic) structures, which an astrologer deciphers.
It seems that one must become an astrologer in order to deeply grok the theosophical Kabbalah.
Yes, and that holds true not just for Kabbalah, but also Hermeticism and occultism. In the case of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, one cannot deeply grok the Sefirot without a deep understanding of astrology, because, as I’ve made clear, the Sefirot are analogues for the planets (which, in astrological nomenclature, include the Sun and the Moon).
Likewise, one cannot deeply (or occultly) grok oneself, others, or interpersonal relationships sans astrology. That said, I must emphasize that, whereas
astrological chart erection is a science (in the sense that it is based on astronomical information), chart interpretation is an art; and the depth and accuracy of interpretations can vary significantly, depending on the training and ability of the astrologer.
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Hello Ron,
Thank you so very much for these wonderful blogs. I am reading beyond the power of now and it’s one of the best books I ever read on deep spiritual subject matters. I am a daily meditation practitioner and recently got married. I have few questions regarding celibacy, does a regular sexual life with one’s wife is a hindrance for spiritual growth ? As I am recently married it’s unavoidable for me. If you can share few words on the celibacy for spiritual growth I will be immensely grateful.
Best regards
Hi Sorin,
Glad to hear that you’re benefiting from my book and blogs. Yes, a regular sex life slows spiritual growth by reducing the intensity of the flow of of spiritual energy (Shakti). All one has to do to validate this is to remain celibate for, say, a month, and compare his meditation to when he’s having an active sex life. A difficult alternative is to practice sexual tantra, and use deep relaxation, breathing, and withdrawal to prevent ejaculation, which is what drains spiritual energy.
Hello Ron,
Thank you so very much for your reply, I really appreciate it. I am so happy that in this spiritual market place I have found a true teacher otherwise its so easy to get lost and be fooled by this Neo Advaita cult with the so called instant enlightenment. I have read lots of spiritual material like Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda and his complete work, vivekchudamani etc. Never I thought that by just being I Am or shifting awareness to I Am one become liberated, I always felt this is incomplete and the current Buddhist teaching with emptiness and no self doctrine I felt in my heart this is not right something is missing than by inner guru grace I stumbled upon your site and lo behold I got what I was looking for.
Enlightenment cant be so cheap as these teachers like Mooji, Tolle, Or Adyashanti preach its the sadhana of lifetimes.
Once again thank you so very much for the reply.
Best Regards
Hi Ron,
Western astrology has placed significance on the seasons in relation to the signs. If that is true, does astrology change or reverse its signs in the southern hemisphere?
The signs stay the same. For example, if you’re born November 1, you’re a Scorpio, per tropical astrology, no matter where on Earth you are born.