[This is my just-posted at Amazon one-star review of "God Speaks" by Meher Baba.]
The title of this book is a gross misnomer. Meher Baba wasn’t God, and he wasn't an Avatar; he was a fogged-out mystic who couldn’t articulate a clear and comprehensive spiritual Dharma. While his convoluted and Byzantine Sufi mysticism will bedazzle the esoterically challenged, the cognoscenti will dismiss his labyrinthine ramblings and schematic scaffolding as a “Tower of Baba Babble.”
This book is so bad, I could literally compose a 1,000-page tome deconstructing it sentence by sentence. And if a Baba believer or basher wants to offer me, say, a 100 grand, I’ll gladly drop my multiple other projects and focus my literary efforts on elaborating the problems with “God” Meher Baba’s spiritual Dharma. But since I’ve yet to receive even a sniff of such an offer, and this is necessarily a delimited review, I’ll just pick out some of Baba’s babble, and point out the errors.
Meher Baba writes, “Most souls have gross impressions; some souls have subtle impressions; a few souls have mental impressions; and a few souls have no impressions at all.”… Read the full article