December 26, 2015
[This is an excerpt from my book Beyond the Power of Now: A Guide to, and Beyond, Eckhart Tolle's Teachings.]
Eckhart Tolle is hardly an original thinker, and much of his spiritual teaching is derived from the late J. Krishnamurti. Like many of the simplistic New Age and Advaita Vedanta gurus on the scene nowadays, Tolle loves to emphasize the Krishnamurti maxim that “all effort [or resistance] is the avoidance of what is.” Thus, Tolle’s Dharma “mantra,” in effect, is: “surrender to (or accept) what is.” But this mantra has multiple problems, which I will touch upon.
First, the hypocrisy of those, including Krishnamurti himself, who push it. If you listen to gurus like Tolle and Krishnamurti—and I used to regularly participate in Krishnamurti groups—you soon realize that they are filled with the same kinds of resistance, or judgments, as the rest of us. Whether it’s the insane political system, the conventional religious establishment, or whatnot, they constantly rail at the all-pervading madness in the world. There is nothing wrong with this—I do the same thing myself—but please don’t push complete acceptance of what is if you’ve got a closet full of axes to grind.…
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November 27, 2015
[This is my just-written review of C.G. Jung's book "The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga."]
The iconic C.G Jung was no doubt a psychotherapist for the ages, and when I practiced astrology professionally, I made use of his seminal insights on the shadow, the anima/animus, the collective unconscious, psychological types, and archetypes. But as evidenced by this text, Dr. Jung was clueless with regard to Kundalini – and he makes a complete fool of himself i...n the seminar from whence this book derives.
First off, the title of this book is misleading, because the book focuses more on the chakras than on Kundalini, but Dr. Jung is equally ignorant regarding both subjects. Because this is just a book review and not a book, I cannot expose all of the Kundalini psycho-babble that Jung is guilty of, so I’ll merely point out some of his balderdash.
Dr. Jung opines: “The anima is the Kundalini.” This statement is beyond ridiculous. The Kundalini is the accompanying force-flow of of awakened consciousness. The “lower” Kundalini is cosmic and pranic in nature, while the “higher Kundalini is uncreated, Divine Light-Energy, experienced as Shaktipat, and upon En-Light-enment, as Hridaya Shakti.…
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