Universal “Brotherhood” in the New Age

by L. Ron Gardner

[This is an excerpt from my book "Electrical Christianity: A Revolutionary Guide to Jesus' Teachings and Spiritual Enlightenment," which is available in Kindle and paperback at Amazon.]

Q: Is the Aquarian Age the panacea that will lead to universal brotherhood and a true New Age?

A: Not necessarily. To my taste buds, the current New Age (of Aquarius) movement is hardly a bowl of fresh, delectable cherries; it’s more like pabulum or packaged tapioca. Instead of profound Truth doctrines, it proffers assorted versions of dumbed-down Dharma drivel. When a clueless, fogged-out mystic like Eckhart Tolle (Sun sign in Aquarius, by the way) is your movement’s shining star, then you know that Dystopia, rather than Utopia, is the likely outcome of your brotherhood-and-unity babble.

Aquarius, like every other astrological sign, has its dark side, or weaknesses. Though usually friendly, it is impersonal and dissociative. I’ve had a number of Aquarius girlfriends over the years, and not one of them was good at intimate, interpersonal relations. But a positive aspect of the Aquarian vibration is increased tolerance. Most people nowadays don’t care what color someone’s skin is or if they’re tatted up and pierced. Acceptance of differences is a sign of brotherhood—but the lack of communication I see everywhere isn’t. People are absorbed in their personal communication devices and abstracted away from meaningful relationship with other humans. Walk into a Starbucks and you’ll typically see a room filled with coffee sippers zeroed in on their laptops and oblivious to the world.

Even warfare nowadays has been infected by impersonal Aquarius energy. Instead of human beings killing other human beings, we now have drones doing the dirty work of death. And unlike during the Vietnam War, when television news every day was filled with ghastly war scenes, the plastic, politically correct empty suits in TV land no longer air the grisly horrors perpetrated by America’s imperialist war machine. The handful of giant corporations that control the U.S. mainstream media has decided that graphically exposing America’s global-aggression game is bad for business. Hence, they push “happy talk” because that means more brain-dead viewers and thus more advertising revenue.

On a worldwide scale, the New World Order “brotherhood” (the international banking cartel and Global Elite) preaches “unity” while simultaneously ripping off the world’s wealth and destroying nations’ economies in the process. The ideals of brotherhood and unity are admirable—when they are freely upheld by sovereign individuals. But when they are fascistically imposed by the Globalists as a means to enrich themselves and control the masses, they become destructive to a free social order in which individual rights, including property rights, are sacrosanct.

The True New (Aquarian) Age

Q:The picture you’ve painted sounds pretty bleak. How can we overcome the negative forces that you’ve described and establish a true New (Aquarian) Age?

A: By both living and promoting an integral vision of life. This is essentially a twofold conscious process involving ontology and epistemology. First, ontologically (meaning organismically, beyond thought), we must learn to live in the Spirit, to commune with and channel God’s Light-energy. Second, epistemologically (meaning cognitively in order to attain valid knowledge), we must learn how to think rationally—objectively and logically. This skill is not taught in public (or State-funded) schools, because if it were, Big Brother’s ass would be cooked, as free (and freedom)-thinking individuals, en masse, would work together to end the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and all the wars of aggression (including the ones against drugs, prostitution, and gambling). And, of course, this skill is not taught by the mainstream Church, because if it were, the Church’s mission—to convince you, on blind faith, to accept the truth of exoteric Christian dogma—would utterly fail.

Q: In our discussions, you’ve recommended a number of books on spiritual ontology, mystical metaphysics. My question is: What books do you recommend on epistemology?

A: First read Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, by Leonard Peikoff, then read Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, by Ayn Rand.

Q: But Ayn Rand was a staunch atheist, diametrically opposed to your spiritual vision of life.

A: Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Rand (Sun sign in Aquarius, by the way) was a genius, and you can only benefit from considering her five-branch philosophical hierarchy—metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and esthetics. I’m convinced that if Rand had been exposed to the highest mystical teachings and been taught how to meditate, she would have married Objectivism with spiritual Dharma and become the ultimate integral guru.

Rand emphasizes the practice of logic—“the art of non-contradictory identification of [phenomenal] reality.” I too emphasize the practice of logic, but unlike Rand, I also emphasize the practice of onto-logic—the spiritual art of non-contradictory identification with transphenomenal (or Ultimate) Reality. Logic is the epistemic method of right thinking, the establishment of mental relationships that identify reality, and what I call onto-logic is the ontic method of right “non-thinking,” or right non-mental relationship with Reality (as Spirit). Epistemology pertains to knowing (about things), and spiritual ontology to being (at-one with the unknowable “Thing,” or Being, Itself). A true integralist marries the arts of logic and onto-logic, and thereby becomes a sage, or hermetic alchemist.

Q: What do you mean by non-contradictory identification?

A: Contradictions do not, and cannot, exist in either reality or Reality. Both phenomenal reality and Ultimate Reality are always simply as they are. Right epistemology—the art of logic, or non-contradictory identification—enables one to mentally identify truth relative to phenomenal reality; onto-logic, non-contradictory ontological identification, enables one to spiritually identify with Ultimate Reality. Epistemic truth is the identification of phenomenal reality; integral Truth is the recognition of both phenomenal reality and Ultimate Reality. Integral Truth lived means the practice of both onto-logic and logic. It means that one’s Plugged-in Presence practice doesn’t stop with communion with the Absolute, but that it also extends to deep psychical communion with life, which enables one to make essential mental connections and thereby profoundly grasp relative, or phenomenal, reality.

Consciousness is relationship. Your “ontological IQ” (as I define it) is your capacity to consciously relate to the Spirit, and your “epistemological IQ” (as I define it) is your capacity to make conscious connections that enable you to identify and grasp reality.

Q: How would “Integral Truth lived” translate into a true New Age?

A: When a critical mass of people begins to live in the Spirit and to think logically and objectively, then a true New Age Enlightenment would emerge. Ayn Rand’s five-branch philosophical hierarchy provides us with a basic framework for understanding how Integral Truth would effect comprehensive sociocultural change. Creatively employing her hierarchy, we have: right metaphysics (ontology) = life in the meta-physical Spirit; right epistemology = logical, objective thinking; right ethics (or morality) = non-aggression; right politics = laissez-faire capitalism; right esthetics = art that uplifts the spirit. In sum, right metaphysics and right epistemology naturally translate into right ethics, right politics, right esthetics, and thus right, or integral, society.

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